
Depression is quite common

Depression is among the most commonly diagnosed mental health challenges today, but it still remains shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Despite the growing knowledge about depression, many people do not understand this complex condition, which results in stigma rather than support for those affected. From the belief that one can simply ‘snap out’ of depression to assuming everyone experiences similar symptoms, there are many assumptions made around how depression presents itself and what it takes to heal from it.

Due to its complexity and the fact that depression can look different for every person, symptoms are difficult to recognize. Many people dismiss depression as an emotional state they have to “just get through”, rather than acknowledging this as a serious condition that requires professional help. This lack of understanding or acknowledgement can lead to depression going undiagnosed, untreated, and even becoming worse over time.

Symptoms are often misunderstood

Symptoms of depression can be mistaken as laziness. People struggling with depression may lack the energy and motivation to complete everyday tasks – like making the bed, brushing their hair, or even eating. Further, engaging in any new activities or doing anything outside of the bare minimum may feel like too much of an effort. From the outside, it may appear that they simply don’t care and/or are just being lazy. This is far from the truth! Someone struggling with depression does not feel they have the capacity, mentally or physically, to complete these activities. Indeed, it may take tremendous effort just to get out of bed everyday.

Depression may look like a lack of ambition. People experiencing symptoms of depression may not appear engaged in their careers or even their future. Indeed, it may seem they simply have no aspirations whatsoever. While this may appear to be the case, someone with depression may be expending all their effort in going about basic routines and tasks, and have no capacity to even contemplate future goals or aspirations.

Increased aggressiveness and irritability is another common symptom of depression, but is often mistaken for someone being characterized as angry, cranky or unpleasant to be around. People with depression are often consumed with negative and self-critical thoughts and their ability to tolerate frustration (both within themselves or in their interactions) is quite low. Unfortunately, this may be expressed with aggression and irritability, often resulting in them “pushing” others away.

Another misconception is that depression can be resolved by simply “pushing through” it or people thinking those with depression should “just get over” it. Unfortunately, resolving depression is not that easy. It is most likely rooted in complex and intertwining struggles that can range from early childhood experiences, current relational difficulties, stress, traumatic events and chemical imbalances in the brain. It takes time and professional help to identify and work through how and why depression may be presenting in a person’s life. Unfortunately, many still view treatment for depression as something that is inconvenient or only necessary for severe depression.

Treatment for depression

Treatment for depression often involves therapy and medication, yet many don’t recognize how important both are in managing symptoms of depression effectively. Therapy can provide individuals with tools and strategies to develop healthy coping skills, while medications can help regulate chemical imbalances in the brain that may be causing depression symptoms.

The truth is, the symptoms of depression should not be overlooked or underestimated. If depression symptoms are getting in the way of everyday life and activities, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. With the right treatment plan and support system, individuals with depression can learn how to manage their depression so that they may live meaningful and fulfilling lives again. If you are ready to begin your depression, please reach out to one of our clinicians at Headway Therapy. We look forward to working with you to begin your healing journey.

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